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Discover the richness of forest cabins

Save for future generations, those experiences we cherish deep in our hearts. Sleeping in the woods, warm and cozy, awakened with the smell of roasting coffee or cleaning your first fish and throwing it on a sizzling grill or the night it snowed 3 feet and the silence surprised you. This is the essence of owning a cabin in the woods.



Cabin in the Woods

"Cabins in the woods"  pre-date the creation of the Forest Service. Folks often went into 'the woods" and built small  fishing or camping huts and cabins, or summer homes; as early as the 1870's.

Summer Homes

Are privately owned, non- commercial residences located upon National Forest System lands and authorized by a recreation residence term special use 






"The cabins will continue to fulfill an important role in modern society: that every so often one has to go back to the basic, to re-establish a connection with the natural world" -National Forest  Home Owners

Acts of Congress

In 1891 Congress authorized President Harrison to establish forest reserves.  The Organic Act of 1897 authorized protection and uses of those resources. The Act of March 4, 1915 authorized permits for more than one year.


Recreation Residence

A recreation residence is maintained by the permit holder for personal, family, 

and guest use and enjoyment. A recreation residence shall not serve as a permanent residence, nor can it be used as a rental.



An established location within a National Forest containing one or more cabins authorized in accordance with the recreation residence program.  Tracts are often close knit communities that may have their own associations.




Less than .002% of all National Forest is set aside for the cabins in the U.S. Forest Service Recreational Residence Program. Approximately 15,000 cabins remain with nearly half of them in California.

Call :1-559-906-8156

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